Muracypraea Mus Donmoorei

Paraguanà Peninsula - mar 2009

SUPERB SPECIMEN with black dorsum !
Muracypraea Mus Donmoorei

Paraguanà Peninsula - mar 2009

Pale pattern with two strings of well defined black spots !
Muracypraea Mus Donmoorei

Paraguanà Peninsula - mar 2009

Muracypraea Mus Tristensis

Paraguanà Peninsula - mar 2009

HUGE SPECIMEN : 74,0mm !!! (Together with dwarf mus)
Leporycypraea Mappa

Philippines - mar 2008

99,1mm !! HUGE ! IMPRESSIVE specimen because not only GIANT
but very globose too ! (Togheter mappa geographica 42,0mm).
Annepona Mariae

Palawan, Philippines - mar 2008

Specimen with total white dorsum !
Leporicypraea Mappa (Panerythra)

Philippines  - mar 2008

Fantastic glossy RED !
Cypraea Tigris

Philippines - mar 2008

Fantastic glossy BLACK / BLUE, fully adult !
Lyncina Broderipi 
Zanzibar - jun 2003
Unique locality (may be other one or two were taken from Zanzibar !).
Leporicypraea Mappa (Niger)
New Caledonia
Beautilful specimen ! Very dark !
Zoila Thersites
Stanbury, S. Australia
Totally black specimen !
Zoila Eludens
Exmouth Gulf, W. Australia
Very nice globular and dark specimen close to Decipiens shape.
Arestorides Argus
S Vietnam
99mm !! Giant and wide.
Zoila Decipiens (Suprasinum ?)
Broome ? W Australia
60mm !! Giant, heavy and callous.
Zoila Jeaniana
Shark Bay, W Australia
Not Jeaniana Taiwan boat but white margins .
Trona Stercoraria
Exceptional black / red !!
Mauritia Mauritiana
Yes it is Mauritiana !! Unique pattern !!
Lyncina Joycae
East China Sea
Spectacular Joycae with almost plain white pattern, callous, fully adult
Shell art
Shells salad
Shell art
The Master of shell
Shell art
Thatcheria Mirabilis